This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 30, 2013 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218)847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.
Dare I say that only the first wave of passerines has moved through the northwest as late this week we are hearing only species that could be resident here. Reports coming from the south indicate that more may be coming. We can only hope as it was not a spectacular migration away from the Red River Valley. This week we are seeing reports of flycatchers, vireos, and common nighthawks , along with a few migrant warblers. Rain has descended on us again, so we may get some fallouts this weekend.
In Lake of the Woods County this week , Beth Siverhus observed BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER and GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER on the NW boundary trail in the Beltrami Island State Forest.
In Roseau County , Beth reported a GREEN HERON nesting near the Warroad airport. She also observed COMMON NIGHTHAWK, BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO,BLUE-HEADED VIREO, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO, BROWN CREEPER, GRAY JAY, GRAY CATBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, 7 species of warbler including MOURNING WARBLER, and WHITE-THROATED SPARROW. Herb Dingmann was in Clearwater County this week where he observed two GREATER PRAIRIE-CHICKENS flying over CR 5 north of the rice paddies. He also found an AMERICAN WOODCOCK in the same area. At the Clearbrook WTP he found a CASPIAN TERN. Nineteen species of warblers were found including BAY-BREASTED WARBLER and CAPE MAY WARBLER.
While at Agassiz NWR in Marshall County on May 29, I found a CAPE MAY WARBLER feeding in the evergreens near the headquarters buildings.
In Pennington County, Shelley Steva and I found a few warblers and flycatchers at the Higginbotham WMA on May 29, including GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, LEAST FLYCATCHER, BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER, and one BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER. GRAY CATBIRDS and CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLERS were in abundance in the low brush in the area. YELLOW-THROATED VIREO and RED-EYED VIREO were also seen. Here at home I saw a COMMON NIGHTHAWK on May 26. Tonight, I heard the chatter of many CHIMNEY SWIFTS in Thief River Falls.
Herb Dingmann found a BLACK-THOATED GREEN WARBLER near the Red Lake Falls wastewater treatment ponds in Red Lake County on May 27.
Sandy Aubol found two BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHERS in the East Grand Forks greenway in Polk County on May 29. This appears to be a first spring record for the county. Direction can be found at the Grand Cities bird club website starting at the Murray bridge, or email Sandy Aubol for directions. Also in Polk County, Russ Wilbur found TRUMPETER SWANS , RUFFED GROUSE, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, GRAY CATBIRD, EASTERN KINGBIRD, and seven species of warblers on May 25.
Dave and Betty Hochhalter in Detroit Lakes reported an INDIGO BUNTING at their feeder on May 29. The Lakes Area Birding Club visited the Rainbow Resort on May 28 where they observed a long list of species including RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, COMMON NIGHTHAWKS, OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER, GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, BROWN CREEPER, PHILADELPHIA VIREO, HERMIT THRUSH, SWAINSON’S THRUSH, 12 species of warblers, and INDIGO BUNTING., Joel Arndt observed SCARLET TANAGER and INDIGO BUNTING at his feeder in Detroit Lakes on May 27. Michael Ossler reported NORTHERN CARDINAL, SCARLET TANAGER, ORCHARD ORIOLE, and BALTIMORE ORIOLE in Detroit Lakes on May 27.
Hubbard County sightings by Marshall Howe included a SCARLET TANAGER, and YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD on May 24 , a WOOD THRUSH on May 30, and also 2 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS , and a CASPIAN TERN.
In Otter Tail County, Amy Drake found a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER at Walker Lakes public access on May 25.
Dave and Betty Hochhalter found a SCARLET TANAGER in Douglas County at Chippewa Park on May 25.
Thanks to all who sent in sightings this week.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber’s toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled update of this report is Thursday, June, 6, 2013