Today the entryway roof got shingled and our windows arrived. The building is coming along very nicely and quickly, it’s going to be done before we know it! East Silent Lake Resort will soon have 16 units for rent to accommodate your family anytime of the year. When you stay with us this summer we will keep you busy with plenty activities if you wish to participate. Wednesday’s however are a day that we don’t do too many activities because Perham hosts their International Turtle races! It is a very popular summer event that people come to from all over. After the turtle races you can head over to Goose Gang, which is a 3 story toy building. This past summer we partnered with Goose Gang and had some of their items here at the resort, but it doesn’t compare to what is all in that store. Puzzles, games, action figures, candy, it’s all in there! It’s a child and adult’s paradise. They also have homemade popcorn and fro-yo. They have multiple flavors of both and for the frozen yogurt they have a toppings bar full of delicious goodies.
Perham Events and Businesses
To see a full list of events from Perham and businesses other than Goose Gang, head over to the Perham Chamber of Commerce website!