Do you love to go walking, running, roller blading or in the winter, snowmobiling? If you do, you need to know about the Central Lakes Trail. This trail is 55 miles long and runs from Fergus Falls to Osakis and it doesn’t stop there! The Central Lakes Trail actually connects to another well know trail, the Lake Wobegon Trail. The two trails connected runs 130 miles, all the way from Fergus Falls to St. Joseph! Along the trail one can see all the beautiful things found in nature that Minnesota has to offer from birds to deer. These trails run through or by many towns along the way so there are lots of places to stop and take a break, get something to eat or maybe a treat. So what are you waiting for, late summer – early fall is a great time to take the family and get some exercise. While Fergus Falls might be 40 minutes away from East Silent Lake Resort it is worth the trip! Who knows maybe we will get a trail of our own one day. For more information on this beautiful trail check out their website.