Believe it or not, putting docks in each year is NOT one of our favorite activities. It was especially painful this year when we awoke to a blanket of white snow on May 1st. The water and air were cold. Don’t believe me, ask Andy…he tore is waders:)
Read MoreYesterday was the first gorgeous spring day of 2011 at East Silent Resort. Despite 60 degree weather, however, the ice remained. There was enough water for the Loons to land apparently. If you look very carefully at the first photo you’ll see a Loon in the water. It is just to the right of the […]
Read MoreYou don’t want to waste any time in birders’ paradise – Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. More than 250 species of birds live in Becker County. Why? Because the Detroit Lakes area is in the heart of a transition zone of tall grass prairie, northern hardwood and coniferous ecosystems. Serious birders flock here each spring for the […]
Read MoreThe ice still isn’t out. But…there are still lots of good reasons to visit Otter Tail Country. For example, great golf courses… Perham Lakeside Golf Club (218) 346-6070 Perham Lakeside golf course will be opening up this Friday, April 15, 2011. Please call ahead and make your tee time for Friday. […]
Read MoreCheck out our first round of interior vacation home pictures. As you can see, the cabinets are in! You can see many more photos on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/EastSilentResort. There is still time to book your next Minnesota family resort vacation at East Silent Resort
Read MoreSpring is here…despite having some of the nastiest weather of the year recently. Regardless, we are excited for the 2011 resort season. We are still catching up with the vacation home construction photos. These are from November 2010. We finished the concrete and hydroseeding just days before the first snow storm of 2010. So, we […]
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